If it’s the month of love then reflection is needed to understand the value and meaning of love.
We all know that from the 1st February we are inundated with flowers, chocolates, jewelry, cuddle toys and more reflecting a token of love and appreciation for that special someone.
So I realise I was one of those people that always complained because retailers were taking the meaning of love and affection and exploiting it for sales and profit… However, after this tragic pandemic my views somewhat have slightly altered and can honestly say yes retailers are still going to make that profit at our hearts expense, but so what..
I don’t know about you but this pandemic seems to have increased the speed at which my life is moving… where we used to fit work, family and social time in one day plus still a fitness regime and self care, it seems only time for work and work and more work. A request for a cup of coffee seems so far out of reach these days, well for me it does…
So thinking back to the last couple valentine celebrations, I realized that’s this was maybe one of the firsts I would be spending single. Even after Clinton passed back in 2013 I was still never was alone and come to realize it that I was very blessed to have people in my life who not only got me through that time but made a special day on valentines day.
With the craziness and anxiety of what we have been living with the last year I feel it’s more important now than ever to appreciate your loved ones and that special someone… That little token of love whether it’s as simple as a chocolate from your local grocer or a diamond ring… Depending on your budget lol, if it’s going to put a smile on their faces and make them feel special and loved then why not…
1 John 4:7-12. Dear friends: let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
Is this not what I been advocating for years now… God – Love!
Greatest gift given by God is Love. Love for him, ourselves and one another and through this comes the ripple effect of peace and harmony… If only it were so simple? Right?
We have in each of us the capacity to love and be loved. It’s our choice thanks to free will which again God gifted to us. We can choose to live in the fear about being hurt and it’s natural to not want to experience heart ache.. It’s inevitable though, we are going to feel it, breath it and live it and it’s going to hurt every time because that’s how we grow… You can download and make changes and grow and become the best version of yourself as if everything was peaches and cream. It’s that fear of what if and what nots, but how will you know if you don’t take that leap of faith because you never know what or who is there waiting for you.
“Nothing loved is ever lost” the infamous tattoo I display proudly on my arm… Because it’s true. I have experienced the worst loss imaginable, the one we all fear, the one we hope and pray never to have happen to us and the one we don’t even wish on our worst enemies….
Its been 8 years and I still mourn and cry and wonder and I still have those moments of life isn’t fair and I miss him greatly… But I wouldn’t change anything because he was my true love and I would never have experienced the absolute loose your heart and mind beauty of it.
To feel that love, even if it’s only once in a lifetime, and if we lucky another time because we are going to change from that broken and we going to try fix and glue ourselves up the best we can… Then we will find love again maybe not like that one true love but it’s the best and most fantastical beauty of broken bits embraced and loved by a heart that maybe endured something similar that enforced the change through growth to have the strength to love you with broken bits and all…
It’s strength in itself to have the courage to fall in love and trust another person with all of your heart… Isn’t it about having faith in God and that Love he bestowed upon us.
Just Saying…
Happy Valentines Day… I Love You!