A little bit of catching up before the real stuff begins!

It’s been far too long my dear friends. Not that I forgot but so much going on will use this rekindle of a blogging relationship to sum up the last 2 months.

5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. And here we go…

I am now living it up in KZN been 2 months already in actual fact to this day. Oh my word the stress of moving. Luckily we found a furnished place so it was loading up extreme necessities and clothes and on our way.

Of course leaving behind my beautiful 4 legged fluffy Chloé was the hardest thing I have ever had to endure… I still cry I miss her so much but knowing she lives with my folks in our house in JHB leaves me feeling a little content… Sadness never goes but she is loved and happy and driving my mom and dad nuts and that just warms my heart.

Of course I have had some blah blah moments where the blah and blah put me or should I know say we in a very difficult situation and the blah blah not giving a damn. Blah blah will be named at a later stage… Protect its reputation not mine… Blah blah blah

Right moving on… So I say KZN or Durban much to the horror of the Durbanites. It’s like saying you live in the North of JHB and letting everyone know rather then not admitting you lived or grew up in the South… And what’s funny is everyone started in the South but seem to have misplaced thier heritage memories… But that’s another topic. So we actually live in Richards Bay… Now if you live in Natal it’s like a swear word and referred to as ‘the sticks’.

I myself been a massive fan of the coast well sees it as just that the coast. The ocean the heat the smell of tropics and coconut oil… Ummmm yes of course if you on holiday and if you were wouldn’t come here. There is fishing and it’s a town and it’s filled with the towns people of who’s who and why’s why…. But to me it’s home.

My amazing gorgeous fiance…. Oh yes forgot to mention that but will keep that for another post… Got a position here and we moved and we like it.  Life is good because we have proven that love conquers all and can turn any four walls with a roof into a home.  Well now we can. We moved twice in 2 months but finally have our own place. The beautiful furnished apartment was more of an infestation for ravers of the insect world. So now we happy home content but let’s face it I can turn 4 sticks and a grass bale into a home I guess it’s who completes that home that makes the difference.

Yip another big bang love theory I only ever learn through actually living them.

So we move into ‘the sticks’ only to find out my childhood friend and her family live here too even the same area that’s been awesome seeing her again.  I guess let’s me not forget to mention Ragnar (aka fiance and reminds me so much of Ragnar Lothbrok from The Vikings) so for all intensive purposes his reference to all blogs from here on will be Ragnar.

So Ragnar is originally from ‘the sticks’ so he is basically home and this is my new adventure.

There is always something I have recognized and absolutely standby it and that is holidaying at the coast and living and working at the coast are worlds apart. It’s nothing like Joburg oh you feel the difference but the hours and workload is the same just the people and scenery change. So instead of driving past smog or Galooly intersection you now have ocean, banana leaves and mist. The humidity is crazy and I don’t care what anyone says there is no such thing as climatising.  Then to add to that find out we live in the town that is hotter then the other towns including Durban… No fan or air-conditioning and you may as well just die because that’s what it feels like.

Ever wonder why people from PE or Joburg or Cape Town always complain how slow the people are in Natal… You have to be, remain calm and keep that heart rate down in fear of over heating lol… Just my theory anyways… Lol…. I’m just saying!!!

So in two months we been fishing twice, socializing maybe three or four times, as Ragnar has been working weekends as well as every day due to modifications at the plant but honestly work life stops for no one.

That’s not even the crazy part… I drive 157km to work and 157km back home each day as I work in Durban.  Choosing my logistical career has and still will open many doors for me but in a town like this very few and far between so 3 hours driving and 6 toll gates a day later and I’m doing what I love Logistics.

Oh I moan about it but only the night before feeling exhausted and the thought would make anyone feel demotivated. However once I’m in the car, music blaring and left with my thoughts it’s actually enjoyable. Of course my colleagues think I’m crazy because anything more then 25km to drive for a Durbanite is too far… Must be that humidity theory again… But I agree and never been so grateful for the air-conditioning in my car.

So I think it’s a to be continued moment or else this hello I’m back will take up another 10 pages… And this is a blog not a novel… Yet! Will write some more tomorrow and each day after that as I have missed sharing with you all.

So goodnight my loves. Goodnight Chloe. Goodnight mom and dad. Goodnight Ragnar (he is working nightshift grrrr)

I love you!



Too quiet… I know right?

It’s been quiet on the “I’m just saying” world, even Harley Quinn, my alter ego has been on vacation.

In all honesty I been taking a break for myself and in doing so have met someone and he is beyond fantastic and everything I been looking for.

How we met? Mmmmmm now that’s the crazy part and wouldn’t you believe on FB. I belong to a group where I was obviously made Admin lol. Spogter!!! There he was, he liked everything I posted and every comment I made and eventually decided to send me a message and well it hasn’t stopped. We chatted non stop got to know each other through the technology highways and eventually met face to face where it was clear destiny played its hand and we fell in love.

We haven’t left each other’s sides and in four years was definitely the most beautiful Christmas I celebrated. The road to our life and adventure took another turn which can only be described as happily ever after and forever more… But that I can only divulge later

I love you Ragnar


Maybe long distance doesn’t work…

I mean this is something I have believed to be true for a long time. Seeing that I have loved and lived almost every possible scenario why not try this. What is km when you talking about love?

My first apprehension is meeting face to face and seeing if there is a spark is definitely the first step into a relationship, so ok you chat to someone and you create an image of what you think he or she is all about and when you meet you hope the nearness of the reality check upon meeting them is close as dammit.

Like on line dating I have to come to realise that anything virtual is not a reality we want. Stories are made up and characters created, so in the end you falling for words and conversation at the gamble that when you meet the chemistry will come alive.

Everyone I told that I was doing this said that same thing, “long distance does not work” and it’s true.

Maybe in situations where you meet before hand and you know the chemistry is there and the chat and build the emotions from there.. And yes pretty sure there are a few people who haven’t met physically and meet over the technological way and that works for them.

Then there is the logistics of when you able to see each other and how often. What about trust and the other person not leading a double life or cheating, “while the cats away…” What if?

All I know is I tried it and no it doesn’t work for me. I want that physical connection and if I need to see that person then I can see them face to face. We need that hug on a bad day or just a kiss ans touch to feel love and I cannot rely on technology to give that to me.

I guess it’s just one of those things and in the end I know what will work for me and what won’t. And this one doesn’t.