It’s with great excitement that I announce farewell to I’m Just Saying.
It’s not the end of my writing however. I have just blissfully moved on from the past. What do they say… stop living in the past because you can’t move forward. Well that’s where I am now.
I have reached the point where 5 years of remembrance and tears and and and is enough…lol!
The weeds have been removed, the soil has been turned over and the flowers that were prepped and planted through this cycle, are now in bloom.
Spring had sprung and the hard work of the green thumb had reached the point where I can sit back and enjoy the blossoms of my labour.
Considering I have no green thumb and have never had an interest in gardening, these metaphors are quiet surprising and may just find inspiration in gardening,
Hold on to your hats!!! New blog to come, I will keep you posted on when it begins.
Featuring the creativeness an whole bag of tricks to blow your mind, inspire your soul and unleash your inner-creative. Apparently not only can I write, but have a whole lot hidden talents to unleash on the world.🤪
Thank you for travelling with me on the road to self healing and truly hope I helped or inspired at least one of you❤️

I love you